There's a lot of NOs even among their supporters.

Look, even in their own group they aren't taking the jabs.

End of health pharma scam.

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So much in this article. It brought to mind Leonard Reed, Why Not Try Freedom

"To believe a tyranny is an authority is a grievous error."

BLIND SPOT: That Man Is the Creator

Persons unaware of a Creative Force, an Infinite Principle, Intelligence,

or Consciousness, far over and beyond the human self

are susceptible to a belief in their own omniscience. And, those

who believe in their own omniscience, logically, cannot envision a

perfect society unless it be one in which others are cast in their

fallible images. It is difficult for me to conceive of anything more

responsible for authoritarianism than this type of unawareness.

A related blind spot was discussed in an earlier lecture under

the title, "Historical Approaches to Ideal Government." If a people

do not accept the Creator as Sovereign, as their Supreme

Ruler, as their Source of Rights, they must, perforce, locate sovereignty

in some mortal man or in some man-made institution.

Logically, it has to be one or the other. If they locate sovereignty

in government - a man-made institution - they have created an

authoritarianism they must live with until they revoke it.

"Your greatest contribution to the world is your state of consciousness"

FAILURE: Inadequate Development of Self

Every individual is faced with the problem of whom to improve,

himself or others. The aim, it seems to me, should be to

effect one's own unfolding, the upgrading of one's own consciousness

- in short, self-perfection. Those who don't even try or, when

trying, find self-perfection too difficult, usually seek to expend

their energy on others. Their energy has to find some target.

Those who succeed in directing their energy inward - particularly

if they be blessed with great energy, like Goethe, for instance

- become moral leaders. Those who fail to direct their

energy inwardly and let it manifest itself externally - particularly

if they be of great energy, like Napoleon, for instance - become

immoral leaders. Those who refuse to rule themselves are usually

bent on ruling others. Those who can rule themselves usually

have no interest in ruling others.

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